Monday, March 28, 2011

CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering)

 Good morning alls....
do you know about CASE..?

it stands for Computer-Aided Software Engineering
CASE was originated in the 1970s when computer companies were beginning to borrow ideas from the hardware manufacturing process and apply them to software development (which generally has been viewed as an insufficiently disciplined process).
This tools is used to organize and control the development of software, especially on large, complex projects involving many software components and people...

There are some benefits of using this tools

A product is more likely to meet real-world requirements
Encourages code and design reuse
Reducing costs
 Improving product quality
Quality products tend to improve a corporation's image
Providing a competitive advantage in the marketplace

based on my finding about CASE,
I recommend this tools to you if you want to organize and manage your systems more effective...
this is suitable for you if you are the code writer, designer, tester, planner and manager...
CASE also allow you to share a common view of where a project stands at each stage of development...
CASE tools supported the concepts of structured programming and similar organized development methods...
CASE tools have had to encompass or accommodate visual programming tools and object-oriented programming...
In corporations, a CASE tool may be part of a spectrum of processes designed to ensure quality in what is developed...

click on ---> CASE for more information....(^_^)

Best regards,

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